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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Fingerprint analysis of Yimucao injection

出版年·卷·期(页码):2016,36 (7):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立益母草注射液指纹图谱测定方法。方法:采用高效液相色谱- 蒸发光散射检测法测定益母草注射液指纹图谱。使用阳离子交换色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),以甲醇-[0.3% 醋酸铵- 冰醋酸(500:277),pH 2.20](35:65)为流动相,流速0.8 mL·min-1,柱温30 ℃,ELSD 漂移管温度80 ℃,载气流速2.0 L·min-1。并进行方法学验证。结果:本方法重复性、稳定性良好;采用中药指纹图谱相似度评价软件,建立了益母草注射液标准指纹图谱,确定其成分有Cl-、5- 羟甲基-2 糠酸、水苏碱、Na+、K+、胆碱;对31 批样品进行测定,相似度范围为0.957~1.000。结论:方法学验证结果表明,本文建立的HPLC-ELSD 指纹图谱分析法稳定可行,可用于益母草注射液指纹图谱的测定。


Objective:To establish a method for fingerprint analysis of Yimucao injection.Methods:HPLCELSD was used to analyze the fingerprint of Yimucao injection.The conditions were set as follows:Cation exchange chromatography column(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),mobile phase of methanol-[0.3% ammonium acetate-acetic acid(500:277),pH 2.20](35:65),flow rate at 0.8 mL·min-1,column temperature at 30 ℃, ELSD drift tube temperature at 80 ℃,flow rate of carrier gas at 2.0 L·min-1.In addition,the methodology was validated. Results:The repeatability and stability of this method were good.With special software,the standard fingerprint of Yimucao injection was established,including the contents of Cl-,5-hydroxymethyl-2-furoic acid,stachydrine, Na+,K+ and choline.Moreover,31 additional samples were tested and the similarity was from 0.957 to 1.000. Conclusion:The result of methodology validation indicated that the analysis of fingerprint by HPLC-ELSD which is stable and reliable,can be used to analyze the fingerprint of Yimucao injection.

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