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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Authentication of Panax notoginseng based on PCR analysis

出版年·卷·期(页码):2016,36 (5):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立一种用于鉴别三七的特异性PCR鉴别方法。方法:通过比较三七及其混伪品的psbA-trnH基因序列差异,根据变异位点设计三七的特异性鉴别引物,优化反应体系,并对此方法进行耐受性和适用性的考察和验证。结果:构建了鉴别三七特异性PCR方法,在47 ℃的退火温度下,用鉴别引物对所有样品进行扩增,仅三七正品能扩增得到约241 bp的特异性条带,其他药材均为阴性扩增。结论:该鉴别引物能准确、特异性地鉴别三七,可用于三七药材的鉴定。


Objective:To establish a specificity PCR method for identification of Panax notoginseng.Methods:Based on the difference of psbA-trnH gene DNA sequences among Panax notoginseng and its adulterants,the specific primer was designed,the reaction conditions were optimized,and the PCR method for identification of Panax notoginseng was explored and verified in terms of tolerance and feasibility.Results:Panax notoginseng PCR identification system was constructed.The annealing temperature was 47 ℃ and the 241 bp fragment was only amplified from DNA templates of Panax notoginseng;nevertheless its adulterants were negative.Conclusion:The method can be used to identify traditional Chinese medicines Panax notoginseng accurately and specifically.

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