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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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An overall quality evaluation of Paridis Rhizoma bymultiple components determination based on the chemometrics

作者: 谢俊大1, 孙磊2,3 
作者(英文):XIE Jun-da1, SUN Lei2,3
出版年·卷·期(页码):2015,35 (9):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立基于化学计量学的综合质量评价方法,用于评价重楼药材的质量。方法: 使用HPLC色谱仪,建立同时进行多指标含量测定和指纹图谱分析的测定法;采 用液质联用推测指纹图谱中未知峰的可能结构,使用相似度分析、聚类热图分析和主成分分析等方法,从获得的数据分析重楼药材的质量。结果: 鉴别了重楼指纹图谱的10个共有峰可能的结构,其中5个为偏诺皂苷,5个为薯蓣皂苷;化学计量学可以对10批样品进行区分和评价;10批样品的总皂苷含量为11.7~78.4 mg·g-1,云南重楼的总偏诺皂苷比为14.9%~40.9%。结论: 建立的综合质量评价法简便、专属,可用于重楼的质量评价。


Objective: To establish a new analytical method for the overall quality evaluation of medicinal materials Paridis Rhizoma by multiple components determination based on the chemometrics. Methods: First,method for multiple components determination and fingerprint identification were established with the same HPLC conditions.Second,the probable structures of fingerprint unknown diffraction peaks were presumed with LC-MS.Third,obtained data were analyzed with similarity analysis,hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA),and principal component analysis. Results: The probable structures of ten fingerprint common peaks were identified,including 5 pennogenins and 5 diosgenins.Ten Paridis Rhizoma samples were discriminated and evaluated by chemometrics.In these ten samples,the total saponin contents were 11.7-78.4 mg·g-1,the ratio of total pennogenin contents and total saponin contents in Paris yunnanensis Franch.samples was 14.9%-40.9%. Conclusion: It is feasible,convenient and exclusive to evaluate the overall quality of Paridis Rhizoma by determination of multiple components base on chemometrics.

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