Determination in the content of sauchinone from different medicament portions in Saururus chinensis (Lour.) Baill. by HPLC
出版年·卷·期(页码):2015,35 (8):0-0
目的: 对三白草药材不同药用部位中的三白草酮含量进行分析比较。方法: 采用Welch ultimate LP-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),流动相为乙腈-水(60:40),流速1.0 mL·min-1,检测波长240 nm,柱温35℃。结果: 三白草酮进样质量浓度在4.124~123.72 μg·mL-1(r=0.999 8)质量浓度范围内线性关系良好,平均加样回收率(n=6)为100.4%,RSD为2.8%。10个不同产地样品中均为地上部分三白草酮的含量最高,根茎中的含量最低。结论: 三白草不同药用部位中三白草酮的含量存在明显差异,确定药用部位对临床疗效及药材质量的稳定性具有重要意义。
Objective: To determine the content of Saururus chinensis (Lour.) Baill. from different medicament portions. Methods: The tests were carried out on a Welch ultimate LP-C18 HPLC column (4.62 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) with the mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-water(60:40) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1. The detection wavelength was at 240 nm, and the column temperature was maintained at 35℃. Results: Sauchinone showed good linearity in the range of 4.124-123.72 μg·mL-1 (r=0.999 8); the average recovery was 100.4%(n=6, RSD=2.8%). Of the ten different origin samples tested, higher content of sauchinone was observed in the aerial parts of the samples, and the lower in the roots. Conclusion: The content of sauchinone in different medicament portions shows obvious difference. The determination of the medicinal parts is of great significance for the clinical effects and the stability of the quality of medicinal materials.
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