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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Methodological verification and approval of the volumetric titration determination of didanosine

作者: 连莹, 仲平 
作者(英文):LIAN Ying, ZHONG Ping
出版年·卷·期(页码):2015,35 (6):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立容量滴定法测定去羟肌苷的含量。方法: 采用非水溶液滴定法,以冰醋酸-醋酐混合溶液(4:1)为滴定介质,电位滴定指示终点,每次加液体积为0.05 mL,等当点突跃幅度EPC设定为30,进行含量测定,并对分析方法进行验证,具体阐述了容量滴定法的方法验证过程和验证结果的认可标准。结果: 去羟肌苷测定的成比例系统误差、额外系统误差及精密度均符合规范要求。结论: 本法经方法学验证,可用于去羟肌苷原料的含量测定。


Objective: To establish a volumetric titration method for determination of didanosine. Methods: The non-water determination method was established for the content of didanosine with 40 mL glacial acetic acid and 10 mL anhydride acetic acid as the titration medium,the end point was determined potentiometrically,the volume step was 0.05 mL and EPC was set at 30.The established method was used for content determination and the analytical method was verified.The procedures and approval criteria of volumetric titration for determination of didanosine was described in this article. Results: The good proportional systematic,the additional proportional systematic and the statistical error acquired in this method met the requirement of related standards. Conclusion: It is proved that the method can be applied for the determination of dianosine by the methodology validation.

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