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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Study on the pattern of quantitative changes between the main effective components and microelements in Fructus Gardeniae

出版年·卷·期(页码):2015,35 (5):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:探索栀子主要有效成分与微量元素间的量变规律,建立有效成分与微量元素相关数学模型。方法: 应用高效液相色谱仪对栀子成熟果实主要有效成分栀子苷、西红花苷Ⅰ、熊果酸进行含量测定;用火焰原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法测定栀子叶中微量元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Se的含量,分别与栀子成熟果实有效成分的含量建立相关性。结果: 栀子苷的含量(Y1)、西红花苷Ⅰ的含量(Y2)、熊果酸的含量(Y3)与微量元素Fe的含量(X1)、Mn的含量(X2)、Zn的含量(X3)、Se的含量(X4)的四元线性回归方程为Y1=0.004 388X1+0.502 989X2-2.932 43X3+238.002 7X4+111.652 6(r=0.999 9),Y2=0.012 063X1+0.188 205X2-0.276 15X3-1 264.26X4+115.646 8 (r=0.999 9),Y3=0.000 109X1+0.006 743X2-0.015 75 X3-5.895 72X4+0.942 369(r=0.999 9);Fe质量浓度在343.2~1 246.9 mg · L-1,Mn质量浓度在35.70~99.80 mg · L-1,Zn质量浓度在18.30~40.95 mg · L-1和Se质量浓度在0.09~0.10 mg · L-1范围内,线性关系良好。结论: 所建立的数学模型可靠,根据栀子叶中微量元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Se的含量可较准确计算出栀子成熟果实主要效成分栀子苷、西红花苷Ⅰ、熊果酸的含量,为科学预测引种栽培栀子的品质提供了依据。


Objective: To explore the pattern of quantitative changes and set up a mathematic model between the main effective components and microelements in Fructus Gardeniae. Methods: HPLC was used to determine the contents of geniposide, crocinⅠ, and ursolic acid in the ripe fruit of Fructus Gardeniae.Flame atomic absorption spectrometry and atomic fluorescence spectrometry were used to determine the contents of Fe, Mn, Zn and Se in the leaf of Fructus Gardeniae, and then, the correlation of each microelement with the main effective components was set up. Results: The four-element linear regression equations between the contents of geniposide(Y1), crocinⅠ(Y2), and ursolic acid(Y3)with the contents of Fe(X1), Mn(X2), Zn(X3)and Se(X4)were Y1=0.004 388X1+0.502 989X2-2.932 43X3+238.002 7X4+111.652 6(r=0.999 9), Y2=0.012 063X1+0.188 205X2-0.276 15X3- 1 264.26X4+115.646 8(r=0.999 9), and Y3=0.000 109X1 +0.006 743X2-0.015 75X3-5.895 72X4+ 0.942 369(r=0.999 9).The linear relationship was good in the range of 343.20-124 6.90 mg · L-1 for Fe, 35.70-99.80 mg · L-1 for Mn, 18.30-40.95 mg · L-1 for Zn, and 0.09-0.10 mg · L-1 for Se, respectively. Conclusion: The mathematic model is reliable based on the quantitative change pattern between the main effective components in the ripe fruit of Fructus Gardeniae and the microelements in the leaf of Fructus Gardeniae.The contents of geniposide, crocinⅠ, and ursolic acid can be fairly calculated according to the contents of Fe, Mn, Zn and Se in Fructus Gardeniae accurately.It can provide a basis for the scientific prediction of the quality of cultivated Fructus Gardeniae.


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