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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Study on the stability of Shenxiangcao aqueous extract in simulated gastrointestinal environment

出版年·卷·期(页码):2015,35 (3):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 研究神香草水提取物在模拟胃肠道环境下的稳定性. 方法: 采用HPLC法分别测定不同时间神香草水提取物中迷迭香酸及迷迭香酸单体在不同pH、人工胃液、人工肠液、大鼠肠道内容物及大鼠肠粘膜中的含量. 结果: 神香草水提取物中迷迭香酸和迷迭香酸单体均随pH升高稳定性降低;在人工胃液中均稳定,在人工肠液中稳定性差;在大鼠小肠内容物、大鼠大肠内容物及大鼠肠粘膜中的稳定性依次为:大鼠肠粘膜 >大鼠小肠内容物≈大鼠大肠内容物;在灭菌后的大鼠小肠内容物、大肠内容物及肠粘膜中的稳定性基本一致;两者在灭菌后大鼠肠内容物和肠粘膜中均比灭菌前更加稳定;在上述各条件下,神香草水提取物中的迷迭香酸与迷迭香酸单体相比较更加稳定. 结论: 该研究比较了单体化合物和其在维药提取物中的稳定性,结果明确,为进一步研究神香草提取物的吸收代谢情况及成药后的剂型设计,奠定良好基础.


Objective: To investigate stability of Shenxiangcao aqueous extract in simulated gastrointestinal environment. Methods: A high performance liquid chromatography method was used to determine rosmarinic acid in Shenxiangcao aqueous extract and rosmarinic acid monomer in the environment of different pH media,artificial gastric juice and intestinal juice,artificial rat gastrointestinal contents and rat intestinal mucosa. Results: Along with the increase of pH,the stability was reduced.The analytes were stable in the artificial gastric juice,and poorly stable in the artificial intestinal juice.The stability in the rate gastrointestinal tract followed the order of intestinal mucosa >small intestine contents ≈ large intestine contents.The stability in small intestine contents,large intestine contents and intestinal mucosa after sterilization was basic identical.Analytes in the rat gastrointestinal contents and rat intestinal mucosa were more stable after sterilization than prior to sterilization.In each of the above conditions,the stability of rosmarinic acid monomer was worse than rosmarinic acid in Shenxiangcao aqueous extract. Conclusion: Comparison of the monomer compound and its stability in the Uygur medicine extract.The results were definite,which laid a good foundation for further research on absorption metabolism and dosage form design of Shenxiangcao aqueous extract.

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