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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Origin and authentication of Epimeredi indica

出版年·卷·期(页码):2015,35 (2):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立广防风形态学及理化鉴别方法,完善质量标准。方法: 考证广防风文献,应用植物分类学、药材鉴定学及薄层色谱的方法对广防风生药学鉴别特征观察记述,对不同产地广防风根及地上部位化学特征比对研究。结果: 广防风本草考证表明古今广防风为唇形科植物广防风Epimeredi indica(L.)Rothm.干燥全草。本文提供广防风植物形态,根和茎叶性状特征,提供其组织横切面及粉末的特征,同时提供广防风地上与地下部位成分定性分析结果。结论: 研究结果可为广防风的鉴别、质量标准制订及合理开发利用提供依据。


Objective: To establish a convenient and effective identification method for morphology analysis and chemical identification of Epimeredi indica, so as to provide the basis for quality standard improvement. Methods: The origin of Epimeredi indica was clarified by literature research.The pharmacognostic characteristics of Epimeredi indica were studied by means of plant morphology, plant taxonomy and phytochemical TLC.The chemical characteristics of Epimeredi indica's root from the different growing regions and the plant of Epimeredi indica above ground were observed and compared. Results: Researches on materia medica showed that the so called Guangfangfeng in ancient and modern times in China was the dry herb belonging to the family Labiatae, whose Latin name was Epimeredi indica(L.)Rothm.This paper illustrated the characteristics of Epimeredi indica (including its plant morphology, characteristics of root, stem and leaf)and its qualitative analysis of components under and above ground based on the characteristics of transverse tissue section and powder. Conclusion: The research results can provide the basis for identification, quality standard, rational development and utilization of Epimeredi indica.

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