The study on the migration dissolution of the pigment orange 64 and DEHP in disposable photophobic infusion
出版年·卷·期(页码):2014,34 (7):0-0
目的:对一次性使用避光精密过滤输液器中颜料橙64和DEHP的溶出进行研究。 方法:采用RP-HPLC法对颜料橙64的迁移溶出进行研究,采用GC-MS法对DEHP的溶出进行分析。 结果:颜料橙64在65%乙醇溶液、0.1 mol·L-1氢氧化钠溶液、0.2 mg mL-1氨曲南溶液、0.2 mg·mL-1维生素B6溶液、4 mg·mL-1替硝唑氯化钠注射液中未发生迁移溶出,在0.1 mol·L-1盐酸溶液中微量溶出;平均每套避光输液器在46%乙醇溶液500 mL中溶出4.95 mg DEHP。 结论:本文建立的方法灵敏度高,重复性好,适合对避光输液器中颜料橙64和DEHP的迁移溶出进行检测。
Objective: To carry out the research on the dissolution of the pigment orange 64 and DEHP(di-phthalate-(2-ethyl hexyl)ester) from disposable photophobic precise filtering infusion sets (with needle). Methods: The reversed phase HPLC method was used to study the migration dissolution of pigment orange 64, and GC-MS was employed to analyze the dissolution of DEHP. Results: Migration diffusion of the pigment orange 64 was not observed in 65% ethanol, 0.1 mol·L-1 sodium hydroxide, 0.2 mg·mL-1 aztreonam, 0.2 mg·mL-1 vitamin B6 and 4 mg·mL-1 tinidazole, while it was trace dissolved in 0.1 mol·L-1 hydrochloric acid solution. 4.95 mg DEHP was leached from every disposable photophobic precise filtering infusion set in 500 mL ethanol solution on average. Conclusion: The method is sensitive and highly reproducible,which can be used for the study on the dissolution of the pigment orange 64 and DEHP in disposable photophobic infusion.
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