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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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HPLC determination of chlorogenic acid and gallic acid in Quanshen pieces with two different colors

出版年·卷·期(页码):2014,34 (7):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:商品拳参饮片有紫红色和棕红色2种不同颜色,测定紫红色与棕红色的拳参饮片中绿原酸和没食子酸的含量,以了解2种不同颜色的拳参饮片中绿原酸及没食子酸的含量是否有差异。 方法:高效液相色谱法,色谱柱:Diamonsil C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),流动相为甲醇-0.4% 醋酸溶液(25:75),流速0.8 mL· min-1,检测波长290 nm,柱温25.0℃。 结果:湖北、山东、河北3个产地7个批次的拳参饮片中,紫红色拳参饮片绿原酸的含量:湖北1.59%,山东4.49%、5.47%,河北1.77%、2.54%、2.56%、2.49%;没食子酸含量:湖北0.83%,山东0.29%、1.09%、河北0.39%、0.30%、0.55%、0.93%。棕红色拳参饮片中绿原酸的含量:湖北0.35%,山东0.26%、1.91%,河北0.46%、0.56%、1.43%、1.18%;没食子酸含量:湖北0.19%,山东0.16%、0.72%%、河北0.21%、0.17%、0.43%、0.87%。 结论:紫红色拳参饮片中绿原酸和没食子酸的含量均高于棕红色饮片。


Objective: The commercial Quanshen pieces have two different colors,amaranth and brownish red.The aim of this study was to determine the contents of chlorogenic acid and gallic acid in these two kinds of Quanshen pieces (which were from the same batch) and to check whether there was difference in the contents of chlorogenic acid and gallic acid between the Quanshen pieces with two different colors. Methods: HPLC method was applied.The column was Diamonsil C18 column (250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),the mobile phase was methanol-0.4% acetic acid solution (25: 75),the flow rate was 0.8 mL·min-1 ,the column temperature was 25.0℃ and the detection wavelength was 290 nm. Results: For the 7 batches of Quanshen pieces from Hubei,Shandong and Hebei,the contents of chlorogenic acid in amaranth colored Quanshen pieces were:Hubei 1.59%,Shandong 4.49%,5.47%,Hebei 1.77%,2.54%,2.56%,2.49%,and the corresponding contents of gallic acid were:Hubei 0.83%,Shandong 0.29%,1.09%,Hebei 0.39%,0.30%,0.55%,0.93%.The contents of chlorogenic acid in brownish red colored Quanshen pieces were:Hubei 0.35%,Shandong 0.26%,1.91%,Hebei 0.46%,0.56%,1.43%,1.18%,and the corresponding gallic acid contents were:Hubei 0.19%,Shandong 0.16%,0.72%,Hebei 0.21%,0.17%,0.43%,0.87%. Conclusion: The contents of both chlorogenic acid and gallic acid in the amaranth colored Quanshen pieces were higher than those in the brownish red colored pieces.

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