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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Method improvement of lysophosphatidylcholine determination of alprostadil injection by HPLC-ELSD

作者: 王全一, 矫筱蔓 
作者(英文):WANG Quan-yi, JIAO Xiao-man
出版年·卷·期(页码):2014,34 (7):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立前列地尔注射液中溶血磷脂酰胆碱含量测定的新方法。 方法:采用硅胶柱(二羟基丙基键合硅胶为填充剂),以正庚烷-异丙醇-水(29.5:59:11.5)为流动相A,以正庚烷-异丙醇(43:57)为流动相B,进行梯度洗脱,流速为 1.0 mL·min-1,蒸发光散射检测器(飘移管温度60℃,载气流量3.2 L·min-1),柱温为35℃。 结果:溶血磷脂酰胆碱进样量在0.2~1.8 μg(r=0.9995)范围内,线性关系良好;平均回收率(n=9)为100.2%;重复性、专属性、供试品溶液的稳定性良好,辅料对测定无干扰。 结论:经方法学验证,该方法专属性强、灵敏度高、准确度好,可以作为替代前列地尔注射液中溶血磷脂酰胆碱含量测定的方法。


Objective: To develop a new method for lysophosphatidycholine (LCP) determination of alprostadil injection. Methods: The assay was carried out on a Silica gel column (dihydroxypropyl bonded silica as a filler) with the mobile phase of n-heptane-isopropanol-water(29.5: 59: 11.5)and n-heptane-isopropanol(43: 57) at a gradient with a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1.The column temperature was 35℃.The drift tube temperature of the evaporative light scattering detector was 60℃ and the carrier gas flow rate was 3.2 L· min-1. Results: The linear range of lysophosphatidycholine was good between 0.2-1.8 μg(r=0.9995),and the average recovery was 100.2% (n=9);the repeatability,specificity,stability of the test solution were good,and there was no interference among the components. Conclusion: The new HPLC method is good in the aspect of selectivity,sensitivity and accuracy,and can be used to replace the detection method for lysophosphatidycholine in alprostadil injection.

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