Near infrared correlation coefficient method with characteristic spectral band for detection of addition of hydrochlorothiazide in traditional Chinese patent medicine
出版年·卷·期(页码):2014,34 (2):0-0
目的:建立近红外特征谱段相关系数法快速筛查降压类中成药中是否添加氢氯噻嗪。方法:采用近红外光谱仪积分球漫反射测定光谱,以氢氯噻嗪化学对照品的近红外光谱为参照光谱,采用二阶导数(13个平滑点)进行光谱预处理,选择6606~6522 cm-1为特定谱段,阈值设为80%,建立模型。结果:用25个含氢氯噻嗪的市售样品验证该方法,相关系数大于80%的有21个,准确率为84.0%;用710个不含氢氯噻嗪的市售样品验证该方法,相关系数小于80%的有709个,准确率为99.8%。结论:实验证明此方法准确、可靠,可作为市场上该种非法添加物的快速有效的检查手段。
Objective: To establish a near infrared method for rapid detection of illegal addition of hydrochlorothiazide in traditional Chinese patent medicine. Methods: The near infrared diffuse reflectance spectrum were recorded using integrated sphere.Using the spectrum of hydrochlorothiazide as the reference spectrum,all the spectra were preprocessed by second derivative with 13 smoothing points.The spectral range of 6606-6652 cm-1 was selected as the characteristic spectral band,and 80% was set as the threshold. Results: A total of 25 batches of Chinese traditional patent medicine containing hydrochlorothiazide collected from market were used to validate the method,and the result showed that there were 21 batches with the relative coefficient over 80%,the accuracy was 84.0%;710 batches of traditional Chinese patent medicine without hydrochlorothiazide were also used to validate the method,and the result showed that there were 709 batches with the relative coefficient less than 80%,the accuracy was 99.8%. Conclusions: Near infrared correlation coefficient method with characteristic spectral band may be a valid method which can be used for rapid identification of illegal addition of hydrochlorothiazide in traditional Chinese patent medicine.
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