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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Analysis of FT-IR fingerprint of Stalactitum before and after processing

出版年·卷·期(页码):2014,34 (1):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01



Objective: To identify and control the quality of raw and calcined Stalactitum visually and accurately,and to lay a foundation for further study of quality standard of Stalactitum. Methods: The characteristic fingerprint of ten batches of Stalactitum and its homologous chemical reagents CaCO3 and CaO,other mineral traditional Chinese medicines containing calcium were studied by comparative study of their FT-IR spectra between their raw and processed materials. Results: The similarities of FT-IR fingerprint of ten batches of raw and processed Stalactitum from main producing areas were all more than 95%,indicating that the structures of Stalactitum from different areas were similar to one another,whose optimal processing procedure was stable and controllable. Meanwhile,the similarity of FT-IR fingerprint was low between Stalactitum and other mineral traditional Chinese medicines containing calcium such as Fluoritum and Selenitum,indicating that the analysis of IR spectra had certain characteristics,which could distinguish them effectively. The similarity was high between raw Stalactitum and chemical reagent CaCO3,and was low between processed Stalactitum and chemical reagent CaO.The reason was that the main compound of Stalactitum was CaCO3,and during processing,CaCO3 was turned into CaO partly. Conclusion: The common peaks in FT-IR spectra of ten batches of raw and processed Stalactitum are obvious,and this method can be used in formulating the quality standard of raw and processed Stalactitum, and for controlling the quality of Stalactitum.

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