Discrimination of the outlier tests commonly used in pharmaceutical quality control
出版年·卷·期(页码):2013,33 (11):0-0
目的: 正确地运用各种异常值判别方法,科学地进行数据分析。方法: 用药品检定实验者2个常见数据集实例,对常用异常值检验方法的敏感性进行比较;对异常值判断的重要性、判别标准等进行分析。结果和结论: 各种异常值判断方法都有其局限性。实验结果的准确一致是判断异常值分析正确性的前提;在实际运用中,要严格按照分析步骤进行操作,最好采用多种异常值检测方法同时分析;当选用一种方法时,应根据具体情况咨询专业统计人员进行选择。
Objective: To use the outlier tests correctly for scientific data analysis. Methods: The sensitivity of the common outlier tests were compared by using data sets of two common experiments and the importance and judging criteria of the outlier test were analyzed. Results and Conclusion: Each outlier testing method has its own limitations.The accuracy and consistency of the experimental results are the premise to determine whether the outlier analysis is correct or not.In practical use,it is necessary to operate in strict accordance with the analysis steps,preferably to use a variety of outlier test methods for analysis.When selecting an outlier method to be used in certain practice,it is recommended to consult a professional statistician.
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