Fingerprint and chemical pattern recognition method for quality control of Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid
出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (11):0-0
目的: 研究藿香正气水的质量控制方法。 方法: 采用高效液相色谱法建立了藿香正气水的指纹图谱,收集不同厂家的17批产品进行测定,并使用聚类分析法和主成分分析法对指纹图谱进行模式识别研究。 结果: 17个样品基本可分为7类,不同厂家的藿香正气水HPLC指纹图谱存在明显的差异,通过主成分分析可知,橙皮苷、欧前胡素、厚朴酚、和厚朴酚为其中比较重要的指标。 结论: 此方法可较系统地用于藿香正气水的质量控制。
Objective: To establish a method for the quality control of Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid. Methods: A high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed to establish the fingerprint of Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid,and 17 samples from various manufacturers and batches were collected and analyzed.Furthermore,hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used to differentiate and evaluate the whole and partial fingerprints. Results: The 17 samples could be divided into seven groups.The result showed that the difference in fingerprints between various batches could be observed.The principal component analysis revealed that hesperidin,imperatorin,magnolol and honokiol were the main indicators. Conclusion: This method can be used for systematic quality control for Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid.
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