Application of near-infrared spectroscopic conformity test in the quality monitor of AIDS drugs in complete supply chain
出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (8):0-0
目的: 监测艾滋病防治药品在供应链中各个流通环节的质量变化,保证艾滋病人用药安全有效。 方法: 采集供应链起点的药品建立近红外光谱一致性模型,对供应链下游各个环节存药网点的药品进行跟踪监测。 结果: 共跟踪监测1208批药品,未发现质量不合格的药品。 结论: 本方法快速可靠,应用在药品检测车上实现了对艾滋病防治药品质量的全程有效监测。
Objective: To monitor the quality of AIDS drugs in the entire supply chain to guarantee the safety and efficacy of these drugs. Methods: A near-infrared spectroscopic conformity model was built by collecting the drugs from the beginning of the supply chain to monitor the drugs in every branch downstream the chain. Results: A total of 1208 batches of AIDS drugs were monitored,and none of them was counterfeit. Conclusion: The method is rapid and reliable,and its application in mobile labs can ensure an effective quality monitor of AIDS drugs in the entire supply chain.
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