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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Application of Fisher component analysis in the research of chemical fingerprint feature similarities of Semen Cassiae

作者: 鄢海燕, 邹纯才 
作者(英文):YAN Hai-yan, ZOU Chun-cai
出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (8):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 探求Fisher成分分析法用于大、小决明子化学指纹特征相似的研究,为大、小决明子的分类提供依据。 方法: 对获得的指纹图谱进行数字化处理并得到大、小决明子的标准指纹图谱,然后用Fisher成分分析法提取大、小决明子化学指纹图谱中的隐含化学特征,对大、小决明子进行质量模式分类,并与主成分分析法及标准图谱法进行分类效果对比研究。 结果: Fisher成分分析法能更好地表征大、小决明子的化学模式特征,分类准确性高。 结论: 根据Fisher成分分析法可识别大、小决明子的化学指纹特征的内在差异,可用于鉴别中药材真伪。


Objective: To explore whether Fisher component analysis can be used in the research of chemical fingerprint feature similarities of Semen Cassiae Obtasefolia and Semen Cassia Tora, and to provide a basis for the classification of Semen Cassiae. Methods: The standard fingerprints of Semen Cassiae obtasefolia and Semen Cassia tora were obtained by digitizing their original fingerprints.Next,the chemical fingerprint features of Semen Cassiae obtasefolia and Semen Cassia tora were extracted Fisher component analysis.Then,Semen Cassiae obtasefolia and Semen Cassia tora were classified by quality model.The classification results were compared with those classified by quality model.The classification results were compared with those classified by principal component analysis and standard atlas analysis. Results: Fisher component analysis could show the chemical pattern feature of Semen Cassiae obtasefolia and Semen Cassia tora more effectively with high classification precision. Conclusion: Fisher component analysis can be used in identifying the internal differences of Semen Cassiae obtasefolia and Semen Cassia tora in chemical fingerprint features and the authenticity of Chinese medicinal.

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