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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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CE enantioseparation of bupropion hydrochloride

出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (6):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立一种用毛细管电泳拆分盐酸安非他酮对映异构体的色谱方法。 方法: 以60 cm×75 μm石英毛细管柱为分离通道,通过考察影响拆分的因素,如手性选择剂的种类、浓度,缓冲溶液的pH,分离电压和柱温,确定最佳拆分条件。 结果: 安非他酮拆分的最优条件为浓度15 mmol·L-1羟丙基-β-环糊精作手性添加剂,50 mmol·L-1的磷酸盐(pH 3.5) 背景缓冲液,工作电压20 kV,柱温25 ℃。确定毛细管电泳中先出峰的是S-盐酸安非他酮。 结论: 该方法试样用量少、高效、快速、操作简单,环境污染少,可用于盐酸安非他酮的拆分,并为盐酸安非他酮的含量测定和单一对映体药理作用的研究奠定基础。


Objective:To establish a capillary electrophoretic method for separation of the enantiomers of bupropion hydrochloride(BUP) with optimized conditions.Method:Fused-silica capillary 60 cm×75 μm i.d was adopted.The effects of CD type,concentration of the chiral selector,BGE composition and concentrations,pH,the capillary temperature and running voltage have been investigated.Results:When 15 mmol·L-1 HP-β-CD as chiral selector and and 50 mmol·L-1pH=3.5 phosphate buffer with 20 kV running voltage and 25 ℃ capillary temperature were adopted,it was identified the first peak as(S)-BUP.Conclusion:The method is simple,rapid and accurate,with less solvent consumption.This study can help investigate for quantitative analysis of BUP and pharmacological effect of single pure enantiomer.

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