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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Enantiomeric separation of methadone hydrochloride by capillary electrochromatography

出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (3):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 采用毛细管区带电泳法对盐酸美沙酮对映体进行了拆分。 方法: 比较了3种衍生化β-环糊精为手性添加剂的分离效果,对缓冲液的pH及浓度、手性添加剂的浓度、柱温、分离电压等方面进行了考察及优化。 结果: 确定采用75 μm×75 cm未凃渍石英玻璃管柱,运行缓冲液为含50 mmol·L-1的Tris和10 mmol·L-1的HP-β-环糊精的水溶液(以磷酸调节pH至2.0),分离电压为25 kV,柱温25 ℃,检测波长为205 nm, 结论: 该方法简便、快速,在15 min内分离度可达到1.9。


Objective: To establish a CE method for the separation of the enantiomers of methadone hydrochloride. Methods: Using 3 β-cyclodextrin derivatives as chiral selector,the conditions for the enantiomeric separation were optimized,which including the concentration of the chiral selector,the pH of the buffer,the concentration of the buffer,column temperature,voltage. Results: The separation was performed on a fused-silica tubing 75 μm×75 cm at 25 ℃,with 50 mmol·L-1 Tris-10 mmol·L-1的HP-β-CD buffer (adjust pH to 2.0 with phosphoric acid)as the mobile phrase.Samples were separated at 25 kV.The detection wavelength was set at 205 nm. Conclusion: It is a simple,rapid method,which the resolution of the enantiomers can up to 1.9 within 15 min.

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