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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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ICP-MS determination of 5 hazard elements in Shenkang injection

作者(英文):LI Li-min, WANG Ke, JI Shen
出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (2):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立肾康注射液中中铅、砷、汞、镉、铜5种重金属及有害元素的含量测定方法。 方法: 样品以微波消解后经电感耦合质谱测定,选择内标法定量以消除基体效应和干扰。 结果: 5种待测元素的方法检测限在0.002~0.015 mg·L-1,进样精密度RSD在1.1%~4.8%,重复性RSD在2.6%~5.6%,5种元素高、中、低3种浓度的加样回收率在103.6%~114.9%,样品溶液在消解后2 d内各元素稳定性良好。 结论: 方法灵敏度高,专属性好,可为监控及制订中药注射液中有害元素的限量提供参考。


Objective: To develop a method for the determination of 5 hazard elements such as copper,arsenic,cadmium,mercury and lead in Shenkang injection. Mehtod: The samples were digested by microwaves and then chose appropriate determination parameters of ICP-MS to be detected.The internal standard solution were used to help avoid the interference of matrix elements and spectra. Result: The detection limits of the method were range from 0.002-0.015 mg·L-1,the RSDs of introduction precision was all less than 5%,the repeatability were all less than 10%.The average recoveries of the 5 elements at three levels (high,medium and low concentration ) were in the range of 103.6%-114.9%,and the solution was stable in two days. Conclusion: The method is simple,accurate and high sensitive,can be used for the determination of rapid monitoring the hazard elements in Shenkang injection.

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