The function and achievements of Chinese mobile laboratories in recent years
出版年·卷·期(页码):2011,31 (12):0-0
摘要: 本文主要介绍自2003年11月30日中国第一台药品检测车下线到现在共8年时间,中国药品检测车的设备、运行、功能更新以及在药品快速筛查检验和打击假冒伪劣药品方面取得的成就,并介绍了中国药品检测车在国际上的影响和今后的发展方向。
The function and achievements of China mobile laboratory on the rapid screeing test and anti-couunterfeitering was introduced in the past eight years since the first mobile laoboratory was successful developed in November 30, 2003. And the impact and future developement of China mobile laboratory was also introduced.
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