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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Extraction,separation,relative molecular mass determination and screening bioactivity of alcohol-soluble protein components in Bailing capsules

出版年·卷·期(页码):2010,30 (5):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 提取分离百令胶囊中的醇溶性蛋白质类成分,并进行相对分子质量确定和初步生物活性筛选。 方法: 采用水提醇沉法提取蛋白质类成分,HPGFC分离,再用Tricine-SDS-PAGE电泳法测定相对分子质量,最后用表达谱基因芯片技术初步筛选醇溶性蛋白质类成分的生物活性。 结果: 提取分离得到百令胶囊中2段醇溶性的蛋白质类组分,其中蛋白质类组分Ⅰ包含2种不同的蛋白,相对分子质量约为3.4×104与2.2×104;蛋白质类组分Ⅱ中包含3种不同的蛋白,其相对分子质量约为3.2×104,3×104,2.5×104。表达谱基因芯片显示该2段醇溶性蛋白质类成分引起肾293细胞基因表达的不同。 结论: 所分离得到的醇溶性蛋白质类成分对肾293细胞的基因表达有影响。


Objective: To extract,separate,determine relative molecular mass(Mr)and screen bioactivity of alcohol-soluble protein components in Bailing capsules. Methods: The sample was extracted by water and sank with alcohol,separated by HPGFC,and determined Mr by Tricine-SDS-PAGE,and lastly screened the alcohol-soluble protein component by gene expression detection. Results: Extracted two alcohol-soluble protein components in Bailing capsules,one contained two different proteins with Mr of 3.4×104 and 2.2×104,another one contained three different proteins with Mr of 3.2×104,3×104,and 2.5×104.The gene chip demonstrated that the two alcohol-soluble protein components can evoke different gene expression of kidney 293 cell. Conclusion: The separated alcohol-soluble protein components can effect gene expression of kidney 293 cell.

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