HPLC-ELSD determination of calcium disodium edentate in tiopronin injection
出版年·卷·期(页码):2010,30 (4):0-0
目的:建立测定硫普罗宁注射液中依地酸钙二钠含量的高效液相色谱-蒸发光散射(HPLC-ELSD)测定方法。方法:采用Waters Symmetry C18 柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm);以甲醇-0.3%醋酸溶液(20∶80)为流动相;流速:0.8 mL·min-1;柱温:30 ℃;蒸发光散射检测器:漂移管温度:45 ℃,载气流速:2.4 L·min-1;进样体积:20 μL。结果:依地酸钙钠浓度在0.25~4 mg·mL-1范围内呈良好的对数线性关系,r=0.9997;硫普罗宁注射液的平均加样回收率(n=9)为100.4%。结论:该方法快速、简便,结果准确可靠,重复性好,适用于测定硫普罗宁注射液中依地酸钙二钠含量。
Objective:To establish a novel method for the quantitative analysis of calcium disodium edentate in tiopronin injection by HPLC-ELSD.Method:The chromatographic analysis were carried out on a Waters Symmetry C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),and the mobile phase consisted of methanol and 0.3% acetic acid(20∶80).Flow rate was 0.8 mL·min-1,and the column temperature was 30 ℃.The flow rate N2 in ELSD was 2.4 L·min-1;The temperature of drift tube was 45 ℃.Results:Calcium disodium edetate curves were linear in the range of 0.25-4 mg·mL-1.The average recovery(n=9) of tiopronin injection was 100.4%.Conclusion:The method is simple and rapid,the results are accurate and reproducible,which is suitable for the determination of calcium disodium edentate in tiopronin injection.
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