Microwave digestion of Chinese herbal medicine and determination of germanium by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
出版年·卷·期(页码):2010,30 (2):0-0
目的:建立石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定中草药中痕量元素锗的含量。方法:通过程序控温、控压的分步微波消化方式消化样品,优化石墨炉升温程序,采用Ni(NO3)2为基体改进剂,以氘灯扣除背景,在265.2 nm波长下对中草药中痕量元素锗进行测定。结果:在选定分析条件下,锗的检出限为0.46 μg•L-1,RSD分别为1.8%~2.8%,回收率为92.5%~103.4%。结论:该方法利用基体改进剂稳定锗,减少了测定时锗的挥发损失 再加上优化的石墨炉升温程序,测定结果准确、可靠。
Objective:To establish a method of determination of germanium in Chinese herbal medicine by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.Methods:Temperature control process and pressure-controlled microwave digestion methods were used to make the sample digested.Graphite furnace process were optimized,adopt Ni(NO3)2 as matrix modifier.Deuterium lamp was used to remove the background determine trace elements germanium in Chinese herbal medicine under the wavelength of 265.2 nm.Results:Under the optimum conditions,the detection limits was found to be 0.46 μg•L-1 for germanium.RSD of the method were in the range of 1.8%-2.8%,and recoveries in the range of 92.5%-103.4%.Conclusion:The use of matrix modifier makes germanium stabilize,the germanium loss has decreased,Graphite furnace process were optimized,the method is precise.
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