Simultaneous determination of 8 trace elements in vitamins with minerals tablets(29) by ICP-MS
出版年·卷·期(页码):2009,29 (6):0-0
摘要 目的:建立电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)同时测定多维元素片(29)中铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)、铬(Cr)、硒(Se)、钼(Mo)、锡(Sn)、钒(V)、镍(Ni)8种微量元素的方法。方法:样品经密闭微波消解后,以钪(45Sc)、锗(Ge)、钇(89Y)、铟(115In)作为内标物质,用ICP-MS同时测定上述8种元素的含量,并将该方法和国家法定方法(原子吸收分光光度法)进行方法学比较。结果:8种元素标准曲线的线性关系良好,r在0.9998~1.000之间 检出限在0.034~0.312 μg•L-1之间 重复性实验(n=5)的RSD在2.0%~11.2%之间 低浓度的加样回收率在87.88%~114.5%之间,高浓度的加样回收率在98.13%~108.3%之间 方法学比较表明该方法和国家法定方法的测定值之间具有良好的重合性。结论:该方法灵敏、准确、稳定,可应用于多维元素片(29)中微量元素的同时测定。
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Abstract Objective:To establish a method for instantaneous analysis of 8 elements (Cu,Mn,Cr,Se,Mo,Sn,V,Ni) in vitamins with minerals tablets (29) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).Method:With 45Sc,89Y,115In and 209Bi as internal standard elements,the contents of 8 elements were simultaneously analyzed by ICP-MS,and this method was compared with the official method (atomic absorption spectrophotometry).Result:The correlative coefficients of calibration curves for all elements were higher than 0.9998 and the limits of detection (LODs) were from 0.034 μg•L-1 to 0.312 μg•L-1 the relative standard deviations of parallel tests of samples (n=5) were between 2.0% and 11.2% the average low amount spiked recoveries ranged from 87.88% to 114.5%,and the average high amount spiked recoveries ranged from 98.13% to 108.3% method comparison showed the ICP-MS method is finely correlated to the official method.Conclusion:This method is a sensitive,accurate and stable method for the simultaneous determination of elements in vitamins with minerals tablets (29) by ICP-MS.
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2ChP(中国药典).2005. Vol Ⅰ(一部): Appendix (附录) B
3ChP(中国药典).2005. Vol Ⅰ(一部): Appendix (附录) D
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