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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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HPLC-MS/MS determination of lisinopril tablets in human plasma

出版年·卷·期(页码):2009,29 (6):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

摘要目的:建立高效液相色谱-质谱/质谱联用测定人血浆中赖诺普利浓度的方法,用于赖诺普利口腔崩解片的人体相对生物利用度和生物等效性研究。方法:使用Hypurity Cb67890b柱(2.1 mm×150 mm,5 μm),以0.1%甲酸-乙腈(30∶70)为流动相,流速为0.2 mL·mina12345a,柱温为40 ℃。以二级质谱选择离子反应监测方式(SRM)扫描检测。结果:赖诺普利的线性浓度范围为1.64~210 ng·mLa12345a (r=0.9915),最小检出浓度为0.82 ng·mLa12345a。提取回收率大于50%,平均相对回收率在80%~120%范围内。日内与日间变异均小于15%。结论:本法简便、灵敏,可用于赖诺普利的药物代谢动力学和生物等效性研究。


AbstractObjective:To establish a method of HPLC-MS/MS to detect lisinopril tablets in human plasma.Methods:Chromatographic column was Hypurity Cb67890b (2.1 mm×150 mm,5 μm);The mobile phase was 0.1% formic acid-acetonitrile (30∶70);The flow rate was 0.2 mL·mina12345a and temperature of column was 40 ℃.A MS/MS selective reaction monitoring mode was taken to quantitate lisinopril in human plasma.Results:Standard curve was linear in the range of 1.64-210 ng·mLa12345a (r=0.9915).The lower limit of detections of lisinopril was 0.82 ng·mLa12345a.The absolute recovery was more than 50%,and the relative recoveries of lisinopril were in the range of 80%-120%.Relative standard deviations of intraday and interday assays of lisinopril were both less than 15%.Conclusion:The method is convenient and sensitive for detecting the concentration of lisinopril in human plasma,it can be used to study the pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of lisinopril.

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