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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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HPCE determination of liquiritin,liquiritigenin and ferulic acid in Tongsaimai pellets

作者: 李伟东,蔡宝昌 
作者(英文):LI Wei-dong,CAI Bao-chang
出版年·卷·期(页码):2009,29 (4):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

摘要 目的:研究HPCE法同时测定通塞脉微丸中甘草苷、甘草素和阿魏酸的含量方法:以葛根素为内标,40 mmol·L-1四氢硼钠(pH 9.18)-甲醇(90∶10)为运行缓冲液。采用未涂层弹性石英毛细管柱(75 μm×50 cm,有效长度42.5 cm),分离电压20 kV;进样压力5 kPa,进样1.5 s;毛细管温度:25二极管阵列检测,测定波长λs=320 nm,λR=380 nm。结果:上述条件下,通塞脉微丸中甘草苷,甘草素和阿魏酸在25 min内得到很好地分离,加样回收率分别为99.3%,98.7%和100.2%;RSD分别为3.2%,2.6%和1.7%。结论:本方法具有良好的精密度和回收率,可作为通塞脉微丸质量控制的方法。


Abstract Objective:To develop an HPCE method for the determination of liquiritinliquiritigenin and ferulic acid in Tongsaimai pellets.Methods: Puerarin was used as an internal standard.The buffer was composed of 40 mmol·L-1 borax (pH 9.18) -methanol (90∶10).CE was performed on a 75 μm×50 cm (effective length is 42.5 cm)fused silica capillary.Separation voltage was 20 kV,sampling pressure was 5 kPa,sampling time was 1.5 s and the temperature was maintained at 25 .Results: liquiritinliquiritigenin and ferulic acid were successfully separated within 25 min,the recoveries of them were 99.3%,98.7% and 100.2% and RSDs were 3.2%,2.6% and 1.7%,respectively. Conclusion: This method is convenient, rapid and accurate. It can be used for the determination of liquiritinliquiritigenin and ferulic acid in Tongsaimai pellets.


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