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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Effect of 60Co irradiation on 6 volatile components in Chenxiang Huaqi capsules

作者: 黄义雯, 朱芹 
作者(英文):HUANG Yi-wen, ZHU Qin
出版年·卷·期(页码):2020,40 (2):352-359
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立气相色谱法同时测定沉香化气胶囊中木香烃内酯、去氢木香烃内酯、百秋李醇、广藿香酮、α-香附酮和乙酸龙脑酯6个挥发性成分的含量,考察不同剂量60Co-γ射线辐照前后挥发性成分的变化。方法: 采用Agilent HP-1301(30 m×0.32 mm×0.25 μm)色谱柱,柱温采用程序升温,进样口温度280℃,检测器温度300℃,分流比35:1,检测器为氢火焰离子化检测器,载气为氮气,进样量1 μL。分别选择辐照剂量2、5、8 kGy对沉香化气胶囊进行辐照,比较辐照前后沉香化气胶囊中6个挥发性成分含量的变化,并进行成组t-检验考察其显著情况。结果: 木香烃内酯、去氢木香烃内酯、百秋李醇、广藿香酮、α-香附酮和乙酸龙脑酯分别在0.061 53~3.076 9、0.060 01~3.000 5、0.043 27~2.163 5、0.041 73~2.086 5、0.050 98~2.549 0及0.052 51~2.625 9 μg范围内有线性关系良好,平均加样回收率分别为100.9%、101.1%、99.9%、98.9%、101.4%和101.3%,RSD分别为0.73%、0.56%、0.86%、1.0%、0.61%和1.1%。经过2、5、8 kGy辐照后,沉香化气胶囊所含的挥发性成分木香烃内酯、去氢木香烃内酯、百秋李醇、广藿香酮、α-香附酮和乙酸龙脑酯均有变化,经配对t-检验,超过5 kGy后,木香烃内酯及去氢木香烃内酯辐照前后含量变化显著(P<0.05)。结论: 所建立的沉香化气胶囊挥发性成分测定方法回收率高,重复性好,灵敏度高,可作为沉香化气胶囊质控方法。在辐照剂量不超过5 kGy时,各挥发性成分变化不显著,可为沉香化气胶囊辐照灭菌手段提供参考。


Objective: To establish a GC method for simultaneous determination of 6 volatile components in Chenxiang Huaqi capsules including costunolide,dehydrocostuslactone,patchoulialcohol,pogostone,α-cyperone and borneol acetate,so as to study the effect of 60Co-γ ray irradiation on the volatile components of Chenxiang Huaqi capsules. Methods: The capillary column Agilent HP-1301 (30 m×0.32 mm×0.25 μm) was adopted and the column temperature was controlled by programming. The injector temperature was 280℃ and the detector temperature was 300℃. The split ratio was 35:1 and the injection volume was 1 μL.The detector was a hydrogen flame ionization detector. Chenxiang Huaqi capsules were irradiated at doses of 2,5 and 8 kGy. The contents of the 6 volatile components before and after irradiation were compared,and a t-test study was used to examine the significant condition. Results: The linear range of costunolide,dehydrocostuslactone,patchoulialcohol,pogostone,α-cyperone and borneol acetate were 0.061 53-3.076 9,0.060 01-3.000 5,0.043 27-2.163 5,0.041 73-2.086 5,0.050 98-2.549 0 and 0.052 51-2.625 9 μg,respectively. And the average recovery were 100.9%,101.1%,99.9%,98.9%,101.4% and 101.3% with RSDs of 0.73%,0.56%,0.86%,1.0%,0.61% and 1.1%,respectively. After irradiation at doses of 2,5 and 8 kGy,contents of costunolide,dehydrocostuslactone,patchoulialcohol,pogostone,α-cyperone and borneol acetateare changed. By group t-test,contents of costunolide and dehydrocostuslactone changed significantly (P<0.05) after irradiation at doses above 5 kGy. Conclusion: The established method has high recovery rate,good repeatability and high sensitivity,which can be used for quality control of Chenxiang Huaqi capsules. When the radiation dose is not more than 5 kGy,the changes of each volatile components are not significant. The finding provides a reference for the sterilization of Chenxiang Huaqi capsules.

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