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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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High-throughput sequencing-based fungal communities of rhizosphere soil and different parts of Paris plant

出版年·卷·期(页码):2020,40 (3):455-461
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:分析长药隔重楼内生菌门类及不同部位真菌群落差异,为寻找促进有效组分合成的功能菌群的研究奠定基础。方法:利用高通量测序技术对陕产长药隔重楼植物内生真菌及根际土菌群基因组遂行扩增子序列测定,并对菌群多样性及不同部位内生真菌群落差异分析。结果:长药隔重楼内生真菌群落多样性Chao1指数、ACE指数、Shannon指数及Simpson指数均表现为根 > 叶 > 根茎。根际土壤优势真菌为担子菌门,根部优势门为球囊菌门真菌,根茎及叶的优势菌群为子囊菌门。结论:长药隔重楼根际土壤与根、根茎及叶部优势菌群多样性及群落均表现出显著性差异,该实验为挖掘重楼属内生菌对重楼代谢产物的合成调控产生影响及影响机制提供研究基础。


Objective: To analyze the differences of endophytic fungi and fungal communities in different parts of Paris polyphylla Sm. var. thibetica(Franch.)Hara and lay a foundation for finding functional bacteria that can promote the synthesis of effective components. Methods: The genomes of endophytic fungi and rhizosphere microorganisms were sequenced by high-throughput sequencing technology to Paris polyphylla Sm. var. thibetica(Franch.)Hara from Shaanxi Province,and the diversity of bacteria and the difference of endophytic fungi communities in different parts were analyzed. Results: The results showed that Chao1 index,ACE index、Shannon index and Simpson index of endophytic fungi community diversity in different parts of Paris polyphylla Sm. var. thibetica(Franch.)Hara was in the order of root > leaf > rhizome. In addition,the results showed that there were significant differences in microbial communities between rhizosphere soil and different parts of plants. The dominant fungi in rhizosphere soil were Basidiomycota. The dominant phylum in rhizome of Paris polyphylla Sm. var. thibetica(Franch.)Hara was Glomeromycota;the dominant phylum of rhizome and leaf was Ascomycota. Conclusion: There are significant differences in diversity of dominant flora and community between rhizosphere soil and root,rhizome and leaf. This experiment provides a basis for further understanding the effect and mechanism of endophytic microorganism on the synthesis and regulation of metabolites in Paris L.

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