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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
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Research progress on the characteristics of chitosan and its immunoregulatory function

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (10):1781-1791
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01



Chitosan is a bioactive cationic polysaccharide obtained by deacetylation of chitin which is rich in source and simple in preparation from different raw materials or different processes,may have different basic properties such as average relative molecular mass,degree of deacetylation,amino content and infrared spectrum.It is the only alkaline polysaccharide found in nature with many abilities,such as good biocompatibility,natural degradability and mucosal adsorption.Chitosan can improve the body's immunity,antibacterial,anti-oxidation,anti-inflammatory,promote wound healing,lower hyperglycemia,lower hyperlipemia and other effects.This review summarizes the physicochemical properties of chitosan,focusing on its regulatory functions in immune response,including innate immunity and specific immunity.Studies showed that chitosan was effective in enhancing innate and specific immune functions,especially as an adjuvant.Chitosan adjuvant could effectively reduce the enzyme hydrolysis of vaccine,improve the stability and efficacy of the drug and increase antigen presentation.Sustained release and antigen enhancement can significantly enhance the specific immunity of the body.The underlying mechanisms involved in the immuno-modulation properties of chitosan include different pathways.The nitric oxide (NO)pathway is to increase NO release through chitosan-stimulated macrophage to increase the response of the immune system.The phospholipase A 2-arachidonic acid (PLA2-AA)pathway includes the stimulates of the activity of PLA2 and AA by chitosan to further induce immune properties.Finally,the further development and application of chitosan in the field of medicine are prospected.


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