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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Determination of flavonoids in Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae from different habitats and at different harvest time

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (9):1689-1693
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立高效液相色谱法测定不同产地、不同采收期紫花杜鹃药材中芸香苷、金丝桃苷、槲皮苷、槲皮素的含量及动态变化规律。方法:采用ACE C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)色谱柱;流动相为0.2%磷酸水溶液-乙腈,梯度洗脱;检测波长254 nm;流速1.0 mL·min-1;柱温30℃。结果:芸香苷线性范围为0.020 2~0.202 μg(r=0.999 6),平均回收率(n=6)为98.7%(RSD=1.1%);金丝桃苷线性范围为0.043 2~0.432 μg(r=0.999 9),平均回收率(n=6)为98.9%;槲皮苷线性范围为0.120 6~1.206 μg(r=0.999 5),平均回收率(n=6)为99.0%;槲皮素线性范围为0.008 2~0.082 μg(r=0.999 0),平均回收率(n=6)为98.7%。不同产地的紫花杜鹃药材中槲皮素、金丝桃苷、槲皮苷、芸香苷含量差异较大,罗定地区含量最高。结论:该方法操作简单、准确,重复性好,适合于紫花杜鹃中黄酮类成分的含量测定研究,为紫花杜鹃寻找更佳产地及采收期提供了科学依据。  


Objective:To establish an HPLC method for the determination of rutin,hyperoside,quercitin and quercetin in Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae from different habitats and at different harvest time,and to observe their dynamic changes. Methods:The analysis was carried out on an ACE C18(250 mm×4. 60 mm,5 μm),and the mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-0.2% phosphoric acid aqueous with gradient elution. The column temperature was maintained at 35℃,the flow rate was 1 mL·min-1 and the detection wavelength was set at 254 nm. Results:The linear ranges of rutin,hyperoside,quercitin and quercetin were 0.020 2-0.202 μg(r=0. 999 6),0.043 2-0.432 μg(r=0.999 9),0.120 6-1.206 μg(r=0. 999 5)and 0.008 2-0.082 μg(r=0. 999 0)with average recoveries(n=6)of 98.7%,98.9%,99.0% and 98.7%,respectively. The contents of rutin,hyperoside,quercitin and quercetin in Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae from different habitats were quite different,and the content in sample from Luoding was the highest. Conclusion:The method is simple,rapid for determination the contents of flavonoids in Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae, and can be used as a basis for finding better habitat and gathering periods of Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae. 


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