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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Quantitative determination of four phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors by proton nuclear magnetic resonance

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (9):1611-1616
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立定量核磁共振法(qNMR)测定那莫西地那非、豪莫西地那非、硫代艾地那非和伪伐地那非4种磷酸二酯酶-5(PDE-5)抑制剂的含量。方法:采用Bruker Ascend 500 MHz核磁共振仪采集一维定量氢谱,90°脉冲,延迟时间为20 s,采样次数为64次,测定温度25℃,以对苯二甲酸二甲酯为内标,氘代氯仿(CDCl3)为溶剂,对4种PDE-5抑制剂进行定量研究。结果:样品与内标物定量峰分离良好,4种成分在各自线性范围内线性关系良好(R2>0.999 2),进样精密度和重复性好。那莫西地那非、豪莫西地那非、硫代艾地那非和伪伐地那非的含量(n=6)分别99.2%(RSD=0.27%)、99.4%(RSD=0.28%)、99.1%(RSD=0.18%)和99.3%(RSD=0.24%),与质量平衡法测定结果比较,两者基本一致。结论:本文建立的qNMR法测定4种PDE-5抑制剂的含量准确可靠,简便快速,为该类成分的含量测定和对照品的标定提供了新的测定方法。  


Objective:To establish a quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance(qNMR)method for the determination of norneosildenafil,homosildenafil,thioaildenafil,and pseudovardenafil. Methods:Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy(1H NMR)spectra were obtained in CDCl3 with the internal standard of dimethyl terephthalate using a Bruker Ascend 500 spectrometer,the parameters were setup as follows:the pulse sequence was 90o,the relaxation delay time was 20 s,the number for scanning was 64,and the experiment temperature was controlled at 25. Results:The linearity of four components were linear in the concentration ranges(R2>0.999 2),and the precision,stability,and repeatability were good. The contents (n=6) of norneosildenafil,homosildenafil,thioaildenafil,and pseudovardenafil by qNMR were 99.2%(RSD=0.27%),99.4%(RSD=0.28%),99.1%(RSD=0.18%),and 99.3%(RSD=0.24%),respectively,which were almost consistent with those by mass balance method. Conclusion:The qNMR method is accurate,reliable,simple,and rapid for the quantitative determination of the above four phosphodiesterase 5(PDE-5)inhibitors. The study provides a new way for the content determination and calibration of reference materials. 


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