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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Research progress on host cell proteins of genetically engineered pharmaceuticals

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (9):1533-1541
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

根据宿主细胞蛋白(HCPs)的来源、影响因素等背景,综合近年来国内外在HCPs检测方面所取得的进展,重点介绍新型质谱技术在HCPs检测中的应用。HCPs的分析方法有免疫分析法(例如Western Blot和ELISA)或其他方法(例如电泳和质谱),目前最常用的检测方法是ELISA法,但ELISA法存在很多问题与不足。新型检测技术,如邻位连接分析法(PLA)、生物传感器技术等也被用于HCPs检测,但这些方法难以推广使用。HCPs是产品质量控制的关键属性之一,其细胞丰度检测是药物放行并进行临床研究的重要参数。本文详细比较说明了各种HCPs检测方法的优缺点,基于质谱的蛋白质组学技术对HCPs进行定性与定量分析,目前已取得了较好的结果,弥补了ELISA方法的不足。


According to the background of host cell proteins (HCPs) and its influencing factors,recent progress in the detection of HCPs at home and abroad is summarized,and the application of new mass spectrometry in HCPs detection is highlighted. HCPs can be analyzed by immunoassay (such as Western Blot and ELISA) or other methods (such as electrophoresis and mass spectrometry). The most commonly used detection method is ELISA, but there are many problems and deficiencies in ELISA. New detection technologies,such as proximity ligation assay(PLA)and biosensor technology,are also used for HCPs detection,but these methods are difficult to promote. HCPs is one of the key attributes of product quality control. Cell abundance detection of HCPs is an important parameter for drug release and clinical research. In this paper,the advantages and disadvantages of various HCPs detection methods are described in detail. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of HCPs based on mass spectrometry proteomics has achieved good results and made up for the deficiencies of ELISA methods..


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