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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Simultaneous determination of 12 lignans in Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus by quantitative analysis of multi-components with single marker

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (7):1207-1216
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立可用于测定五味子中12个木脂素类成分的一测多评法(QAMS法)。方法:采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为Symmetry C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),以乙腈(A)-0.1%磷酸水(B)为流动相进行梯度洗脱(0~25 min,45% A→50% A;25~26 min,50% A→60% A;26~36 min,60% A→55% A;36~50 min,55% A→50% A;50~55 min,50% A→65% A;55~70 min,65% A;70~75 min,65% A→70% A;75~85 min,70% A),流速1.0 mL·min-1,柱温30℃,检测波长217 nm。以五味子醇甲为内参物,采用多点校正法,分别建立戈米辛D、戈米辛J、五味子醇乙、当归酰戈米辛H、戈米辛G、五味子酯甲、五味子酯乙、五味子酚、五味子甲素、五味子乙素、五味子丙素11个待测成分与五味子醇甲的相对校正因子,计算待测成分与五味子醇甲色谱峰的相对保留值。采用相对校正因子计算14批五味子样品中11个待测成分的含量,并以差异百分比(PD)为参数,与外标法(ESM)测定结果进行比较,验证QAMS的准确性。另取9批五味子样品,使用3根色谱柱分别在2个实验室的3台仪器采用所建立的方法进行五味子醇甲的含量测定和11个待测成分的含量计算,比较测定和计算结果的相对标准偏差(RSD),验证所建立方法的实用性。结果:上述11个待测成分的RCF分别为1.127、0.883、0.679、0.772、0.712、0.483、0.736、0.451、0.404、0.767和0.754,相对保留值分别为1.179、1.263、1.342、1.810、2.025、2.230、2.280、2.448、3.529、3.996和4.303,QAMS法计算的11个待测木脂素类成分含量与ESM测定结果之间的PD均小于5%。另外9批样品的五味子醇甲含量测定结果和11个待测成分含量计算结果的RSD也均小于5%。23批五味子中上述11个待测成分及五味子醇甲的含量范围分别为0.173~0.395、0.197~0.438、0.571~1.124、0.518~1.016、0.105~0.214、0.076~0.715、0.399~0.812、0.061~0.135、0.349~1.250、1.308~2.376、0.126~0.444和3.571~6.764 mg·g-1结论:建立的QAMS法可实际应用于五味子中12个木脂素类成分含量测定。


Objective:To establish a quantitative analysis of multi-components by single marker(QAMS)method for the determination of 12 lignans in Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus.Methods:A high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method was developed on a Symmetry C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm)column with acetonitrile(A)-0.1% phosphoric acid(B)as mobile phase with gradient elution(0-25 min,45%A→50%A;25-26 min,50%A→60%A;26-36 min,60%A→55%A;36-50 min,55%A→50%A;50-55 min,50%A→65%A;55-70 min,65%A;70-75 min,65%A→70%A;75-85 min,70%A).The flow rate was set at 1.0 mL·min-1,the temperature maintained at 30℃,and the detection wavelength was set at 217 nm.Schisandrol A was chosen as the internal reference substance,the relative correction factors of 11 components were determined by multi-point correction method,including gomisin D,gomisin J,schisandrol B,angeloylgomisin H,gomisin G,schisantherin A,schisantherin B,schisanhenol,deoxyschisandrin,schisandrin B and schisandrin C.And the relative retention values of the chromatographic peaks of the components to schisandrol A were calculated,respectively.The contents of 11 components in 14 batches of Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus were determined by relative correction factors,and the percentage difference(PD)was used as a parameter to compare the results with that of external standard method(ESM)to verify the accuracy of QAMS.Three chromatographic columns and three instruments were used in two laboratories to determine the content of schisandrol A,and to calculate the contents of 11 components in another nine batches of samples.And the feasibility of the established method was verified by the relative standard deviation(RSD)of the measured and calculated results.Results:The relative correction factors of 11 components were 1.127,0.883,0.679,0.772,0.712,0.483,0.736,0.451,0.404,0.767 and 0.754,respectively and the relative retention values were 1.179,1.263,1.342,1.810,2.025,2.230,2.280,2.448,3.529,3.996,and 4.303,respectively.The PDs of the contents of 11 lignans calculated by QAMS and determined by ESM were less than 5%.The RSDs of the measured content of schisandrol A and the calculated contents of 11 components in other nine batches of Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus were also less than 5%.The contents of 11 components and schisandrol A in 23 batches of Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus ranged from 0.173 to 0.395,0.197 to 0.438,0.571 to 1.124,0.518 to 1.016,0.105 to 0.214,0.076 to 0.715,0.399 to 0.812,0.061 to 0.135,0.349 to 1.250,1.308 to 2.376,0.126 to 0.444 and 3.571 to 6.764 mg·g-1,respectively.Conclusion:The established QAMS method can be applied in the determination of 12 lignans in Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus.


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