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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Simultaneous determination of five active components in Ningmitai capsules by HPLC-DAD

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (6):1042-1047
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立HPLC法同时测定宁泌泰胶囊中没食子酸、盐酸小檗碱、连翘酯苷A、芦丁和槲皮素5个成分的含量。方法:采用Diamonsil C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),以甲醇-0.1%磷酸水为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL·min-1,柱温为25℃,检测波长为256、280、330 nm。结果:没食子酸在0.004 9~0.121 5 mg·mL-1、小檗碱在0.028 4~0.710 0 mg·mL-1、连翘酯苷A在0.227 0~5.675 0 mg·mL-1、芦丁在0.014 4~0.360 5 mg·mL-1、槲皮素在0.062 2~1.554 0 mg·mL-1浓度范围内线性关系均良好(r>0.999 5),平均加样回收率为98.1%~99.5%,RSD为0.81%~1.8%。测定宁必泰胶囊样品中没食子酸、小檗碱、连翘酯苷A、芦丁、槲皮素的平均含量分别为0.022%、0.078%、0.552%、0.040%和0.163%。结论:该方法简便准确,重复性好,可用于宁泌泰胶囊的质量控制。


Objective:To establish an HPLC method for simultaneous determination of 5 components(gallic acid,berberine hydrochloride,forsythiaside A,rutin and quercetin)in Ningmitai capsules. Methods:The separation was performed on a Diamonsil C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),with methanol-0.1% phosphoric acid as the mobile phase in gradient elution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1. The column temperature was 25℃ and the detection wavelengths were 256,280 and 330 nm. Results:The linear relationship of gallic acid in 0.004 9-0.121 5 mg·mL-1, berberine at 0.028 4-0.710 0 mg·mL-1,forsythione A at 0.227 0-5.675 0 mg·mL-1,rutin at 0.014 4-0.360 5 mg·mL-1 and quercetin at 0.062 2-1.554 0 mg·mL-1 were all good(r>0.999 5). The average recoveries were 98.1%-99.5% and the RSDs were 0.81%-1.8%,respectively. The average contents of gallic acid,berberine,forsythin A,rutin and quercetin in Ningmitai capsules samples were 0.022%,0.078%,0.552%,0.040% and 0.163%,respectively. Conclusion:This method is simple,accurate and reproducible,and can be used for the quality control of Ningmitai capsules.


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