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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Precise analysis of the apoptosis effect of medicinal parts of Cirsium setosum to lung cancer A549 cell based on microfluidic chip

出版年·卷·期(页码):2019,39 (3):393-397
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:通过对小蓟药材的不同用药部位进行诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的精准分析,明确小蓟药材不同药用部位的合理使用。方法:应用微流控芯片平台得到不同用药部位的体外抗癌药效结果,HPLC色谱法建立不同用药部位的指纹图谱,灰色关联度软件计算出不同用药部位指纹图谱中各个峰面积与其凋亡坏死率的关联度,对其关联度较大的成分进行快速鉴定与分析。结果:小蓟药材的不同用药部位的体外药效具有一定的差异性,其中诱导肺癌细胞凋亡坏死能力花 > 叶 > 茎 ≈ 根;其中橙皮苷、咖啡酸、蒙花苷与抗肿瘤药效关联度排名前三。结论:本实验明确了小蓟不同用药部位抗肺癌的药效物质基础。基于体外药效,小蓟花有进行深入研究的潜力。为小蓟药材的质量控制以及不同用药部位的合理使用提供了一个科学的依据及分析方法。


Objective: To make clear for the rational use of medicinal parts of Cirsium setosum by conducting precise analysis of the apoptosis effect of medicinal parts of Cirsium setosum to lung cancer A549 cell. Methods: Using the microfluidic chip platform to get the inhibition ratio information about different parts of Cirsium setosum extractive to lung cancer A549 cell. Identify the chemical compounds by comparison the retention time of different standard reference substances by the HPLC and the fingerprint of different parts of Cirsium setosum was set up. Finally,calculate the correlation coefficient of common peaks area to pesticide effects of Cirsium setosum extractive by the GreyModeling software. Results: Different parts of Cirsium setosum has different inhibition effect to A549 cells. The GreyModeling software shows that hesperidin, linarin, caffeic acid in Cirsium setosum has the higher correlation coefficient than other compounds in anticancer activity. Conclusion: The flower part of Cirsium setosum has the best pesticide effect to A549 cells. Hesperidin, linarin and caffeic acid could be the main anticancer activity medicinal effective ingredients in Cirsium setosum.


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