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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Simultaneous determination of five major saponins in Xueshuantong for injection (lyophilization) by QAMS

作者: 魏会宇 
出版年·卷·期(页码):2017,37 (6):975-981
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:建立一测多评法(QAMS法),用于测定注射用血栓通(冻干)中三七皂苷R1及人参皂苷Rg1、Re、Rb1、Rd 5种主要皂苷成分的含量。方法:先采用UPLC外标法测定三七皂苷R1的含量,再计算该成分与人参皂苷Rg1、Re、Rb1及Rd的相对校正因子,并进行含量计算,通过方法学验证及各成分外标法含量测定结果比较,验证一测多评法的准确性;色谱条件:采用BEH C18(2.1 mm&#215;100 mm,1.7 μm)色谱柱,以水(A)-乙腈(B)为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速0.5 mL&#183;min-1,检测波长203 nm,样品室温度15℃,柱温40℃,进样量10 μL。结果:各相对校正因子系统适用性和重现性良好(RSD<2%),采用外标法和一测多评法测定6个批次样品的含量(人参皂苷rg1:42.52%~45.61%;人参皂苷Re:5.27%~5.79%;人参皂苷Rb1:23.87%~24.55%;人参皂苷Rd:1.14%~1.78%),经t检验分析,P>0.05,表明没有显著性差异。结论:研究建立的一测多评法可用于注射用血栓通(冻干)中5种主要皂苷类成分的含量测定。


Objective: To establish a quantitative analysis method of multi-components by single marker(QAMS) in order to determine five major saponins in Xueshuantong for injection(lyophilization)including notoginsenoside R1,ginsenosides Rg1,Re,Rb1 and Rd.Methods: UPLC method was utilized and notoginsenoside R1 was chosen as internal reference standard.Relative correction factors(RCFs)of ginsenosides Rg1,Re,Rb1 and Rd to notoginsenoside R1 were calculated.The contents of the five major saponins in Xueshuantong for injection(lyophilization)were determined by both external standards and QAMS method(ginsenoside Rg1:42.52%-45.61%;ginsenoside Re:5.27%-5.79%; ginsenoside Rb1:23.87%-24.55%; ginsenoside Rd:1.14%-1.78%).The method validation and the content determination results between the two methods were investigated.The chromatographic conditions were as follows:BEH C18(2.1 mm&#215;100 mm,1.7 μm)column was used,the mobile phase consisted of water(A)-acetonitrile(B)with gradient elution at a flow rate of 0.5 mL&#183;min-1 under the column temperature of 40℃, and the sample injected volume was 10 μL under 15℃, the detect wavelength was set at 203 nm.Results: The results showed that the RCF had good system applicability and reproducibility(RSD<2%), and="" there="" was="" no="" significant="" difference="" between="" external="" standard="" method="" qams="" by="" p="">0.05).Conclusion: The QAMS method established can be used for quality control of Xueshuantong for injection (lyophilization)


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