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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Comparative study on Strychni Pierrianae Semen and Strychni Semen

出版年·卷·期(页码):2014,34 (7):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的:对云南马钱与马钱进行比较研究。 方法:运用高效液相色谱法、薄层色谱法、显微鉴别法、特征图谱研究等多种方法对云南马钱和马钱从原植物形态,种子性状、显微特征、薄层色谱及高效液相色谱进行比较。 结果:云南马钱与马钱的植物基原,种子的性状、液相色谱特征具明显区别,显微特征与薄层色谱无明显差异,马钱子碱与士的宁含量存在差异。 结论:采用植物形态、药材性状、液相色谱图谱特征可以鉴别云南马钱与马钱。


Objective: To conduct a comparative study on Strychni Pierrianae Semen and Strychni Semen. Methods: The methods of TLC,HPLC,LC fingerprint and microscopic identification were applied to compare the two medical materials,from the aspects of the original plant morphology,seed characteristics,microscopic characteristics,TLC result and HPLC result. Results: There were obvious differences between Strychni Pierrianae Semen and Strychni Semen in the original plant morphology,seed characteristics and HPLC result.However,there was no remarkable difference in microscopic characteristics and TLC result of these two medical materials.Meanwhile,there was some difference in the contents of brucine and strychnine. Conclusion: Strychni Pierrianae Semen and Strychni Semen can be distinguished by the plant morphology,crude drugs characteristics and HPLC fingerprint features.

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