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国际标准刊号:ISSN 0254-1793
国内统一刊号:CN 11-2224/R

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Characteristic chromatogram of volatile oil in Ganmao Qingre granules and determination of menthone and pulegone

出版年·卷·期(页码):2012,32 (8):0-0
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.01

目的: 建立感冒清热颗粒中挥发油的特征图谱并测定其中薄荷酮和胡薄荷酮的含量。 方法: Agilent HP-5毛细管柱(30 m×320 mm,0.25 μm);进样口、检测器温度250℃;柱温:初始温度40℃,保持1 min,7℃·min-1 升至100℃,保持12 min,3℃·min-1 升至150℃,保持8 min,10℃·min-1 升至240℃,保持2 min;载气为氮气;流速:1 mL·min-1;不分流。 结果: 特征图谱中标定了6个共有峰。薄荷酮进样量在0.0211~0.422 μg,胡薄荷酮进样量在0.0371~0.743 μg内均呈良好的线性关系(r=0.9999);平均回收率分别为101.0%和97.5%,RSD均小于3%。 结论: 建立的气相色谱特征图谱及含量测定方法可从定性和定量两方面控制感冒清热颗粒中的挥发性成分,方法准确、可行,可作为感冒清热颗粒的质量控制方法。


Objective: To establish the characteristic chromatogram of volatile oil in Ganmao Qingre granules and determine the contents of menthone and pulegone in it. Methods: Gas chromatography was used and the conditions were as follows:Agilent HP-5 capillary column (30 m×320 mm,0.25 μm);injection port and detector temperatures were 250℃;the initial column temperature was 40℃ maintained for 1 min,then 7℃·min-1 up to 100℃ maintained for 12 min,3℃·min-1 up to 150℃ maintained for 8 min,finally 10℃·min-1 up to 240℃ maintained for 2 min;the carrier gas was nitrogen and its flow rate was 1 mL·min-1,splitless. Results: There were 6 characteristic peaks in the GC characteristic chromatograms.The good linear relationship (r=0.9999) for menthone and pulegone were 0.0211-0.422 μg and 0.0371-0.743 μg,respectively.The average recoveries were 101.0% and 97.5% with the RSD of 2.6% and 2.1%,respectively. Conclusion: The established GC characteristic chromatogram and the determination method can be used to control the volatile components in Ganmao Qingre granules qualitatively and quantificationally.The method is accurate and feasible,and can be used for quality control of Ganmao Qingre granules.

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